Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference, September 24-27, 2013. Nairobi, Kenya

About the ESTC

The Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference (ESTC), organized by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES), is a unique annual conference focused on the advancement of sustainability goals for the tourism industry. Offering invaluable learning and networking opportunities, the ESTC is a leading international meeting place where innovative minds gather to discuss ideas and solutions that inspire change. Promoting policies and practices benefiting businesses and communities, the ESTC helps to reinforce the role of tourism in building a more sustainable future.

ESTC Highlights
›› Innovative Sessions on Sustainability as a Market Driver
›› Network with Key Industry Players in Travel & Tourism
›› Latest Sustainability Tools, Solutions & Best Practice Ideas
›› Industry-Focused Round Tables, Workshops & Exhibits
›› Social Events Highlighting Local & Global Opportunities
›› Inspiring Keynote Speakers, Eye-Opening Stories



In 2013, the ESTC will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from September 24-27, and will bring together 500 professionals from around the world. With a strong focus on highlighting and promoting ecotourism's role in sustainable development, the ESTC13 aims to strengthen the industry’s commitment to the recent UN resolution, "Promotion of Ecotourism for Poverty Eradication and Environment Protection", which recognizes ecotourism’s positive impact on sustainable community development efforts. The conference program will feature ideas, opportunities and solutions for the tourism industry to support conserving natural areas, alleviating poverty, empowering women, enhancing education, and improving the health and well-being of local communities.

Join Us In Kenya For:
  • B2B and Professional Networking: The ESTC is the meeting place for industry trend-setters and decision-makers, designed to help you build and harness relationships.
  • The Best and the Brightest of Ecotourism: The ESTC's technical program features the industry's foremost "brain trust" of innovation and sustainability in tourism.
  • Your Chance to Be Part of the Solution: Through global partnerships and local networks, the ESTC helps harness the momentum for positive change in the tourism industry.
ESTC13 Key Themes:
  • Conservation & Communities
  • Plans, Policies, and Partnerships for Destinations
  • Tools, Solutions, and Strategies for Businesses
  • Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)





http://www.ecotourismconference.org/ and http://soilisalive.blogspot.com/p/conferences.html for links to more upcoming conferences.

Monday, June 24, 2013

International training of trainers on IWRM

Facilitating water stewardship from a basin perspective
One of the difficulties to use water wisely is the division of responsibilities between different authorities. This often results in fragmented and competitive approaches in the use of rivers, lakes, wetlands and other water resources. Yet for current and future water security it is vital to maintain and restore wetlands as a critical water infrastructure. Read more

Interested candidates can apply to Centre for Development Innovation, Wageninen UR for admission to the training.
Course date:     16 June - 04 July 2014
Deadline NFP:   01 October 2013
Deadline:          05 May 2014

For more information and registration follow this link.
Register in time
NFP Fellowships

For this course there is a limited number of fellowships available from Nuffic - the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) for nationals of certain countries. In order to apply for this NFP fellowship, you have to register through the Nuffic Scholarship Online (SOL) system. SOL opens on August 01.

Applications for NFP fellowships should be submitted before 01 October 2013. You will be informed by Nuffic whether your application has been accepted. More information on the NFP fellowships.

Please note that if you intend to apply for a NFP fellowship, you must also register for this course at CDI. A complete application consist of both a registration for this course and a submited application for a NFP Fellowship.
Courses at CDI, proven concept & state-of-the-art science and methodology
Over the last decade, more than 20,000 participants have gained access to the latest insights from research and best practices from around the world. Beginning in September 2013, all participants of our courses offered in Wageningen (the Netherlands), will use tablets as a learning tool to further increase the potential of their course.

International course on Integrated pest management and food safety

The challenge of combining pesticide use and ensuring safe food
In recent decades, consumers have become increasingly concerned about the quality and safety of their food. Public and private standards for pesticide residues have become stricter than ever before. But while there are plentiful technical solutions, the application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is still a struggle for many farmers. Read more

Interested candidates can apply to Centre for Development Innovation, Wageninen UR for admission to the training.

Course date:     19 May - 06 June 2014
Deadline NFP:   01 October 2013
Deadline:          07 April 2014

For more information and registration follow this link.
Register in time
NFP Fellowships

For this course there is a limited number of fellowships available from Nuffic - the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) for nationals of certain countries. In order to apply for this NFP fellowship, you have to register through the Nuffic Scholarship Online (SOL) system. SOL opens August 01.

Applications for NFP fellowships should be submitted before 01 October 2013. You will be informed by Nuffic whether your application has been accepted. More information on the NFP fellowships.

Please note that if you intend to apply for a NFP fellowship, you must also register for this course at CDI. A complete application consist of both a registration for this course and a submited application for a NFP Fellowship.
Courses at CDI, proven concept & state-of-the-art science and methodology
Over the last decade, more than 20,000 participants have gained access to the latest insights from research and best practices from around the world. Beginning in September 2013, all participants of our courses offered in Wageningen (the Netherlands), will use tablets as a learning tool to further increase the potential of their course.

International course on competing claims and natural resources

Managing conflict over the use of natural resources 
Conventional approaches tend to perceive either the state, or the community, or the market as being capable of offering easy solutions to resource conflicts. Practice, however proves different. To deal with conflicting interests and power imbalances, you will need a competing claims approach on natural resources. This two week course provides you with tools for natural resource management, based on extensive research. You will apply them directly to case studies provided by participants. Read more

Interested candidates can apply to Centre for Development Innovation, Wageninen UR for admission to the training.

Course date:     03 - 14 March 2014
Deadline NFP:   01 October 2013
Deadline:          20 Jan 2014

For more information and registration follow this link.
Register in time
NFP Fellowships

For this course there is a limited number of fellowships available from Nuffic - the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) for nationals of certain countries. In order to apply for this NFP fellowship, you have to register through the Nuffic Scholarship Online (SOL) system. SOL opens August 01.

Applications for NFP fellowships should be submitted before 01 October 2013. You will be informed by Nuffic whether your application has been accepted. More information on the NFP fellowships.

Please note that if you intend to apply for a NFP fellowship, you must also register for this course at CDI. A complete application consist of both a registration for this course and a submited application for a NFP Fellowship.
Courses at CDI, proven concept & state-of-the-art science and methodology
Over the last decade, more than 20,000 participants have gained access to the latest insights from research and best practices from around the world. Beginning in September 2013, all participants of our courses offered in Wageningen (the Netherlands), will use tablets as a learning tool to further increase the potential of their course.