Friday, May 31, 2013

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP)

The Norman E. Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (Borlaug LEAP) offers fellowships to enhance the quality of thesis research of graduate students from developing countries who show strong promise as leaders in the field of agriculture and related disciplines as defined by Title XII. Borlaug LEAP was developed in conjunction with the Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) but operates as a separate program.  The Borlaug LEAP is part of the US Government's Feed the Future 21st Century Leadership Program funded by the United States Agency for International Development.
The Borlaug LEAP Fellowship supports engaging a mentor at a United States (US) University and at a Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system center to support and enhance the thesis research and mentoring experience. Awards are made on a competitive basis to students who show strong scientific and leadership potential, have a well coordinated proposal between their home university, a US university mentor, and the CGIAR mentor, and whose research is related to a strong research and support project within the host country. Emphasis is placed on work that has relevance to the national development of the student's home country. 

Applications are requested for sub-Saharan African students conducting research on topics related to the US Government's global hunger and food security initiative -- FEED THE FUTURE.  The focus region is sub-Saharan Africa.  All topics related to agriculture (as defined by Title XII) and the research strategies of the Feed the Future Initiative are admissible. The administrative due date for applications is: JUNE 14, 2013.  Applications must be RECEIVED BY JUNE 14, 2013 to be considered for fellowships beginning September 15, 2013 through September 14, 2014.

For more information on how to apply, see this flier and website.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Centre for Sustainable Dryland Ecosystems and Societies - 1st Student-Led Conference

The above Conference under the theme; “Transformative education, research and outreach for enhancing resilience and risk reduction in drylands” kicked off yesterday 29th morning. The conference is convened by the Center for Sustainable Dryland Ecosystems and Societies (CSDES) and Department of Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology (LARMAT) under the University of Nairobi—Colorado State University (USA) partnership with funding from USAID-Higher Education for Development Dryland Management Program.

The conference is aimed at sharing student research findings and experiences with the dryland communities and other stake holders in order to enhance networks between young professionals, research institutions, stakeholders, policy makers working in drylands; strengthen partnership among dryland communities, institutions of higher learning and other stakeholders; catalyse interest among CSDES interns to pursue higher education, and promote awareness among various stakeholders about the unique needs of drylands and the need for innovative approaches for enhancing dryland livelihoods. The conference was officially opened by Prof. Isaac M. Mbeche (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Student Affairs). VIPs present included Dean, Faculty of Agriculture; Prof. Solomon Shibairo representing the Principal-CAVS, Prof. Agnes Mwang’ombe; Governor, Kajiado County, Dr. David Nkedianye; USAID Representative, Mr. Isaac Thindeu; Colorado State University Students and Faculty, IUCN Coordinator on Dryland Global Initiative, Dr. Jonathan Davis, among others.

Please visit CSDES website to follow up on the outcome of the conference. It is hoped that this conference will become an annual event bringing together Students, Interns, Faculty and Practitioners working in drylands, and of course the dryland communities themselves to try and address the challenges facing the drylands, and most important give opportunities to students especially form dryland and marginalised communities.