Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships

If you are a citizen of a developed Commonwealth country, you can apply for:
If you are a citizen of a developing Commonwealth country, you can apply for
If you are a citizen of the Falkland Islands, the Maldives, St Helena or the Seychelles, you can apply for:
If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, you can apply for
To find out more about Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships in countries other than the UK, visit the CSFP website
Read more here...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

TRECCAfrica PHD Scholarship Call

TRECCAfrica provides 16 scholarships for full-time doctoral study at partner institutions. These scholarships are available to students and staff members of TRECCAfrica partner institutions only (Target Group 1), with one scholarship available to Mozambican nationals (Target Group 2).

The number of scholarships available to applicants from each partner institution is listed under the section “Scholarship Particulars”.

Applicants need to demonstrate how their proposed research topic will fit into TRECCAfrica’s overall theme of climate change and resource efficiency. In addition, they need to demonstrate a basic understanding of transdisciplinarity in their research methodology.

To assist applicants a concept note on the theme and a reading list on transdisciplinarity is available under the section ‘Apply now’. Please these documents and send an email to for further readings on transdisciplinarity.